Monday 2 November 2009


video by Calvin Harris - Flashback

came across this new video that is out now by Calvin Harris and added it as coincidentally it is exactly what our groups pitch was portraying, for example trying to create, "whats behind the next door" look and as Calvin picks up a photo the morning after it flashbacks, he also is picking up weird objects and is thinking "what happened? why is this here?". In the flashbacks to the photos its clips of friends just hanging out,answering the door, dancing, which are all clips the group have already gathered in our rough cut.
obviously showing camerawork of the band singing and playing instruments are clips the group still needs to film and we have discussed what we need to do and are in the process of gathering the missing footage, the video is showing close ups of Calvin singing, comparing it to our music video we will have close up shots of Adam singing.

knowing the biggest improvement we need to make on our video is to gather the clips of the band, there are a few aspects we could change to make it better, for example more editing with the dancing clips as this is really long at the moment, when we get the rest of our footage it will make it easier to edit all types of clips in and out of each other with contrasting transitions, we also have feedback to make the "past" images appear quicker.
we need to make sure the footage is on time with the beats and rhythm in the music properly.
our bridge is really good at the moment we just need to fill in all the blanks around this section of the video.

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