Thursday 12 November 2009

Editing Miming

As we finally got some footage of miming that we thought was appropriate for our video I spent a few hours this evening uploading and editing footage. I experimented with the different shots we had changing between mid-shots, close ups and extremem close ups. This added interest to our video and allowed for variation throughout. I also tried different shots using the different gels but settled on mainly using the shots with the yellow gel although I did include some footage using a green gel and some where no light was used at all. As we werre uncertain on some of the words in the lyrics due to not being able to find a complete set of them on the internet anywhere I had to be careful as to which parts of the video I put the miming in, however it also had to fit with the rough outline we already had laid out.

Over the time I spent editing the video together I have managed to fill in all the gaps we had in our video and have produced what could be seen as a 'finished' piece. However, I can see there is a lot more work we could do on the footage that is in there and I think some of the transitions between the shots need to be improved. I think this s what we need to focus on as a group in our next lesson as at the end of that lesson it is our deadline. Hopefully we will all be happy with the overall finished product. Spending this extra time on editing has also meant that we can possibly look at special effects and filters in our final lesson if everyone is happy with the edit we have at the moment.

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