Wednesday 4 November 2009

Filming Miming

Today we filmed to get an idea of what green screening. We have only just decided to do this and are not sure if we are actually going to use it in the finished piece. We have several ideas as to what we could use on the green screen possibly giving our video a slightly different feel, although we still want it to be clear what our genre is. Although we decided to film our miming today using the green screen we had not planned for this and were not completely prepared. We were not totally certain on the lyrics and had to listen to the song several times before we felt ready to film. This took up quite a large part of our filming time and therefore we did not get all the shots we wanted. We also encountered issues with the lights and shadows on the screen but we are going to have to wait and see if this affects the footage in the end. I think if we had planned our time better we would of been able to make better use of our time and film more footage giving us a greater range to choose from. It could also of given us a chance to look over our footage and see what we needed to change or improve and allowed us the time to do all of this giving us better footage in the end. However we did not do this and if we decide to use the green screen I think we will need to re-film several parts of the miming.

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