Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Green Screen&Light writing

These are some images that I have taken during the attempt of our "light writing". We used the green background to be able to produce the light writing that we will also be going to attempt to do on our own, creating the combination from our album cover which has light writing included in it. The main idea that we have come up with is to have the chorus lyrics of the song written in light writing behind Adam whilst he sings along with it, as well as have some of the chorus on its own.
We have had a few problems with the whole light writing such as the light getting on the way and creating shadows which completely ruined the green screen, also we actually needed to see this process work before hand. Therefore after our first shoot we did not hesitate to wait and edit, so that we were able to see what other dilemas we were going to have to deal with and or what we should really avoid.

The idea was all too great and would have been a great accomplishment as the light writing was going to be the convention that would have linked our album and song together. However, due to less time and the risk of having an unfinished music video, after viewing what we have tried to do with the green screen, we came to a decision that would be most realisticly speaking the best conclusion.

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