Thursday 5 November 2009

Green Screening

We have started filming our performance if the singing. While discussing this we decdided we wanted to try green screening behind the singer so we could have several options as to what we could do with it. We have now filmed Adam singing and our initial idea is to try putting light painting behind Adam using lyrics and shapes as appropriate.

Using footage like this requires us to take the camera out for another over night slot as this must be shot in the dark. However we are not making this decision until we have tested some already shot footage on the green screen. If this does not work we were thinking of using some of the shadow puppets we have shot although we also have the opportunity to shoot it again. This is an idea were are interested in developing in to our video.

While doing the green screen we had several problems as we had to use a large piece of material there were creases and some of the material was a different shad of green to the others. Also, as we used a light there were shadows cast on the screen. Both of these variations in colour could affect how well our green screen works and may involve us needing to re-film it. Adam was also slightly unsure of the words to the song and when they came up as parts of the song ar mumbled and it's very dfficult to find a website with all the lyrics due to this. This made it quite difficult to film it straight away as we had to listen through the song several times to fill in the gaps in our lyrics.

Overall I think shooting the miming on a green screen was a good idea and even if it doesn't work out we have other options for the performance.

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