Monday 19 October 2009


As we chose to film on a wednesday during the day a lot of people were in college or doing other things so to begin with we had a little dificulty getting the shots we needed. This has meant that although we have made some shots we are going to have to re-shoot them before our final deadline in order for them to look right in our finished piece. The main aim of our first shoot was to capture as much footage as possible so we had a solid base for the future. This has meant that we have not filmed much performance which is an essential part to this project and will have to be done on a future date. Overall I am pleased with the footage we have gained from this shoot, however I am aware that we have a lot more filming to do and we are going to have to plan carefully after half term in order to get the shots required and meet the deadline we have been set. This gives us several challengesto overcome but also allows us to consider more in depth about what type of performance we want and where we want it to fit in our finished product.

Also, at the moment our footage does not so much resemble a party atmosphere as a gathering of friends having a night in together and having a laugh. Although this was not our initial idea I think it still relates closely to what we storyboarded and planned for but as we could not quite get the footage we desired we decided to go for a slightly different approach. I think the use of shadows on the wall using different coloured lights works well as it not only gives the impression of there being more people there but also gives a feel of everyone being on a different mind level. I am really pleased we managed to get this piece of footage as it was not planned for but has added a very suitable aspect to our video.

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