Monday, 21 September 2009

Our Song Choices

1. La Song by Supergrass
2. Recondition by Autons
3. Dark Is Light Enough by The Duke Spirit

1. La Song by Supergrass we chose this track because of its contrast between the slow pace of the introduction and the faster pace of the chorus and verses and the potential it posed when thinking of music video ideas. Our initial idea for the video is to start with the band members waking up after a house party in strange positions with a sense of confusion. This all happens relatively slowly to match with the slower pace of the music. Someone finds a camera or object that triggers a flash back of what happened the night before. A convention of this genre of music is that performance of the band is required so we thought they could be shown to be playing instruments in odd or unexpected parts of the house. The final shot as the music calms could fast forward back to one of the shots earlier in the video.

2. Recondition by Autons is quite an aggressive song leaving the potential for a darker opening sequence with darkened colours or even the use of black and white in the early evening. The overall idea for this video is for either one group or various age groups of people causing trouble on the streets showing no care for the repercussions. There could also be the inclusion of drug use, sex and alcohol. This shows the stereotypical relationship between drugs and violence and the youth of today.

3. 3. Dark Is Light Enough by The Duke Spirit

The song starts off and its a typical rock and roll genre, rumbling sounds angry guitars, the words are not really related to anything its more about the instruments and backing, therefore we thought that this portrayed concert themes even festival theme loads of people coming together in their wellies and jumping about in the mud, ruining eachothers tents, getting off their face, and jus rockin' n rollin' to the music.
The main idea that we have thought about this song track was of us each playing an instrument up on a stage with the camera viewing us at different angles. Showing the bizarreness of the crowd and the whole idea of festival theme spirit and the festivity of the hole event itself.

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